This blog is devoted to discussing the pursuit of eternal life.
Discussion and participation by readers is desired,
but contributions should correlate to the book,
The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical Theology
of Perseverance & Assurance

Thomas R. Schreiner
& Ardel B. Caneday

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Function of the Warning Passages in the Structure and Argument of Hebrews

Here is an interesting article on "The Function of the Warning Passages in the Structure and Argument of Hebrews" by Lee Gatiss. The essay does not address the theological question, which I call the "preemptive question" (Do the warnings imply the possible apostasy of genuine believers?). Instead, the essay addresses the literary question concerning the structure of Hebrews, particularly with an eye on the literary function of the warnings as a structural feature of the sermon.


David McKay said...

Thanks for the link, Ardel. The Theologian looks like a useful site.

Aussie Christian

abcaneday said...


I think you are correct that Lee Gatiss probably intended to say "not a moot point" but may have neglected writing it because of the "not" that precedes its proper place by two words. He may have thought that the second "not" would introduce a double negative.

Good eye!

Nick Nowalk said...

Dr. Caneday, three questions on my mind for whenever you are able to get to the question on the relationship between justification by faith alone and a final judgment according to works.

First, what do you think of H. Ridderbos' take in his famous "Paul: Outline of His Theology"? I don't have the page numbers, but there it is in the chapter on justification/righteousness, and there are few sections all worthy of reading, and one specifically (the last of the chapter, I think) on final judgment and how it "fits." I'd love to know your thoughts on this; in my view, I think Ridderbos is on target.

Second, it is proper in any sense to use extra-biblical categories like "ground" and "evidence" to describe the role of faith and works in salvation...such as, faith is the ground of our acceptance with God (now and forever), but our good works evidence that we have been justified by faith alone, that we have been united to the death and resurrection of Jesus? I know these categories are often brought out, and I find they make sense, but almost no one I am aware of ever discusses how they fit into the biblical text. And a followup would be: if ground/evidence is not legitimate, then how do we avoid saying that we are saved on the basis of works, and avoid contradicting so many texts?

Lastly, knowing that you hold to an already/not yet, present/future aspect of justification...we HAVE been justified and we WILL be justified (I am inclined to agree), how do these two relate? What is the criteria for each...same, different, etc.? And, is final judgment synonomous with future justification, or is there a difference? My struggle is that, if they are the same, then it seems initial justification becomes radically different from future justification...the first by faith, the second by works, and thus the continuity I feel Scripture presents on this is disturbed. But perhaps I just don't see the overall picture! Thanks so much Dr. Caneday. Blessings.

abcaneday said...


Thanks for your questions. These latest questions will provide some assitance as I respond to your earlier question concerning justification.

I'm working on a project for my wife, finishing the final room in our basement. I also have a couple of essays to write, so my response may be delayed. I will, however, respond as soon as reasonably possible.

abcaneday said...


Thanks for your comments, especially for clarifying your use of "moot." You are correct that the primary use of the word is "debatable" or "up for debate." It is regrettable that we Americans have tended to diminish the word to mean essentially "irrelevant."

Thanks for promoting The Race Set Before Us.