This blog is devoted to discussing the pursuit of eternal life.
Discussion and participation by readers is desired,
but contributions should correlate to the book,
The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical Theology
of Perseverance & Assurance

Thomas R. Schreiner
& Ardel B. Caneday

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Steve Fernandez on The Race Set Before Us: Fourth Installment

Today, I received my copy of Steve Fernandez's book, Free Justification: The Glorification of Christ in the Justification of a Sinner (available also here) of which he had published the planned initial chapter titled, Free Justification: A Hill to Die On, on the internet.

Wow! What an overpriced book! It consists of only 97 pages, including the Scripture index and an advertizing page. The book is listed for $11.99. I purchased it at a discount for $9.59. At $11.99 the book costs more than 12 cents per page, considerably more costly per page than most books I purchase. This book's price competes with the price per page that one finds with most E. J. Brill books. Brief as the book is, I completed reading it within an hour after I opened the package today. I will be adding further commentary on aspects of the book. Watch for new blog entries on the book.

The book consists of a preface plus five chapters.

Preface--Free Justification and Joy in Honduras
  1. Counted Righteous in Christ: Part One--What Is "The Righteousness of God" Imputed for Justification?
  2. Counted Righteous in Christ: Part Two--How Is "The Righteousness of God" Imputed for Justification?
  3. At One and Forever--Why is Justification Final and Complete, So That There Is No Future Justification?
  4. Justification, Works, and the Final Judgment--Where Do Works Fit in, in Relation to Free Justification?
Steve Fernandez is President of The Cornerstone Seminary, Senior Pastor of Community Bible Church, Vallejo, California, and host pastor of the Exalting Christ Conference sponsored by Exalting Christ Ministries.

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