This blog is devoted to discussing the pursuit of eternal life.
Discussion and participation by readers is desired,
but contributions should correlate to the book,
The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical Theology
of Perseverance & Assurance

Thomas R. Schreiner
& Ardel B. Caneday

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Interview with N.T. Wright - Responding to Piper on Justification

No blogger that I know has greater success at securing interviews with significant individuals within the evangelical and theological realm that Trevin Wax. He lands another interview with N. T. Wright. This interview entails N.T. Wright Responding to Piper on Justification.

Today’s interview with N.T. Wright (Bishop of Durham) concerns his new book:
Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision.

Justification represents Wright’s response to John Piper’s The Future of Justification (see my commentary here) and is scheduled for release in the UK in February by SPCK and in the U.S. in May by IVP.

My previous two interviews with Bishop Wright can be accessed here and here.

Trevin Wax: How does this robust discussion on justification between you and John Piper help the church to better fulfill its purpose in the world?
Read the whole interview.


Brooks said...

Dr. Caneday,
What are your thoughts on Wright's second difference he notes between Piper and himself, namely, that Piper views justification as "moral" while he understands it as "forensic"? Is this a misunderstanding of Piper and what he argues for in "The Justification of God"? My understanding had been that Piper's conception of righteousness as God's zeal for his glory is not at odds with the forensic understanding of justification. Thanks for the post!

abcaneday said...


N. T. Wright's comments on John Piper's view of justificaiton as "moral" over against his own view as "forensic" is puzzling. If I understand John Piper's own argument in The Future of Justificaiton, it seems to me that he is arguing exactly the reverse.

I do not understand Wright's representation of Piper's beliefs on justification. I may be mistaken, but it seems apparent to me that Wright has misrepresented Piper's beliefs. I had higher expectations. I am disappointed. I plan to read Wright's book just as I have read Piper's book. I hope that his book expresses things better than the interview seems to do.